What is your default daily marketing task?
Consistency is the key to successful marketing.
Earlier this week, I wrote about the four core elements of your marketing plan that get you off the revenue roller coaster. From those four core marketing strategies, and depending on which phase of life your business is in, you should have one specific marketing task that your business does every day.
Day in, day out, at least five days a week, if not seven. Year-round. All seasons.
If you’re a solo practitioner, then there should be dedicated time on your calendar every single business day that is an appointment with yourself to do this marketing task. If you have employees or have hired an outside marketing agency, then this task can be delegated. But get done it must, every day, without fail.
Even more, this marketing task can be done outside of that dedicated time block. If there is any down time, or you ever find yourself staring at the wall wondering what you should be doing, it should be this marketing task. As such, it should be a task that you can start and stop at will. Something you can fill short time blocks with. And it definitely needs to be something that directly moves the needle on revenue.
Here are some real world examples from my own businesses and businesses I’ve consulted with:
Cold call newly filed federal tax liens obtained from the county clerk.
Cold call newly formed business entities obtained from the secretary of state.
Mail hand written welcome cards to new homeowners in a geographical area.
Write and queue automated batches of cold emails to accountants to invite them to webinars and seminars.
Analyze metrics, tweak ads, keywords, and budgets for ongoing Google Ads campaigns.
Assemble and mail USPS Priority Mail packages to inbound leads that have requested information packets.
Make 15 cold calls per day to the managers of county workforce centers to introduce them to your new iOS/Android job app.
Write a daily email to your customer email list to offer a high-priced product.
Create a new social media post and convert it to a paid ad with a $10 ad spend for the day.
Send cold emails to podcast hosts/producers to try booking guest appearances for yourself.
Conduct 3 Lunchclub.com video chats per day to make new connections and offer personal financial planning consultations.
Write and mail 3 letters per day to other attorneys to establish referral relationships.
Some of these are cold lead gen, some are warm lead follow up, some are upsells to existing clients, some are referral creation. Those are the four core marketing strategies. Again, which strategy your daily marketing task falls into will depend on what your goals are and what stage of business you’re in.
But regardless, each of them is fairly simple and straightforward. Can be completed in discrete chunks, but also batched.
Every business should have a daily marketing task that they default to. What’s yours?
Action Items
Determine whether your marketing priority is lead generation, lead/prospect follow up, referral generation, or client retention and upselling.
Analyze the results of your past marketing endeavors. Which marketing campaigns have generated the best results? Of those, which can be simplified into short, repetitive tasks?
Calendar a daily recurring appointment with yourself to engage in marketing.